Since the Museum's inception, we have received hundreds of donations ranging from a single item to whole collections consisting of thousands of individual items. Each item must be processed and assigned a number so that we can identify it properly along with who made the donation. Cataloging is a time-consuming task, and every effort is being made to enter items as fast as possible.

The research and reference library opened to the membership and general public on September 24, 1997. The library was established as a research library. Therefore, all material must remain in the library under the supervision of a committee member. Many items and books are rare or out-of-print and would be difficult or impossible to replace if something should happen to the item.

Included in the collection are artifacts, books, timetables, documents, photographs, maps, and periodicals, most of which are related to railroad history throughout the greater New England region.

Research Library Hours

  • Wednesday evenings - 7:00 to 9:00 PM

  • Other times by advance arrangement


The Danbury Railway Museum always looking for donations of railroad-related items for the museum and library. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit museum, and your donations are tax deductible. Please email or call 203-778-8337 for more information.